It’s most probable that you have arrived here by chance. You came across a link, clicked on it and that’s how you ended up here looking through the last posts on my blog, wondering and pondering who on earth this girl is and what she has to offer the world of fashion.
So, let me introduce myself! My name is Elena. Other things you should know about me are that I spent five years studying Communication and Advertising and it was during those years that it dawned on me... I am good at this: I have a passion for creativity, style innovation, beauty and mixing and matching. Above all, I love capturing the essence of fashion through photographic images.
"Fashion through my lens", is what this blog is called and from the title you get a first impression of the things you’ll see each time you visit. The title refers to my mission statement. Therefore, I will constantly be posting fashion related images and photographs that I have taken, using my own camera. In doing so, I will unravel secret details of style through my personal point of view...my lens. I do not believe that I am held captive by fashion trends, but rather that I am seduced by aesthetic beauty.
I do hope you will enjoy every minute gazing through my lens. If you have any questions don’t hesitate to contact me!
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